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 Chaos is coming...

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Darius Kandor
Horus Lupercal
Arax, Inquisiteur
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Arax, Inquisiteur
Grand Inquisiteur.
Arax, Inquisiteur

Messages : 9994
Date d'inscription : 29/07/2009
Age : 31
Localisation : En voyage dans les désolation nordiques

Chaos is coming... Empty
MessageSujet: Chaos is coming...   Chaos is coming... Icon_minitimeMar 19 Juil 2011 - 18:31

Dernière édition par Araxyrie le Mer 4 Juil 2012 - 5:36, édité 1 fois
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Messages : 528
Date d'inscription : 28/10/2010
Age : 28
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Chaos is coming... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaos is coming...   Chaos is coming... Icon_minitimeMar 19 Juil 2011 - 19:00

Intéressant ...
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Roi de Bretagne

Messages : 9098
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2009
Age : 31
Localisation : Le Sud...

Chaos is coming... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaos is coming...   Chaos is coming... Icon_minitimeMar 19 Juil 2011 - 19:01

Je suis très content mais ça me fout un gros coup de frein niveau motivation pour mes Thousands Sons. :-(
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Arax, Inquisiteur
Grand Inquisiteur.
Arax, Inquisiteur

Messages : 9994
Date d'inscription : 29/07/2009
Age : 31
Localisation : En voyage dans les désolation nordiques

Chaos is coming... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaos is coming...   Chaos is coming... Icon_minitimeMar 19 Juil 2011 - 19:18

Traduction pour ceux qui ont du mal:

Le codex Légions du Chaos devrait arriver courant Mars 2012, à la même période que les chevaliers gris de cette année. Ce livre ne devrait pas remplacer l'actuel codex Marine du Chaos qui devrait, via quelques erratas et manipulations, se rapprocher du codex Renégats du Chaos, prévu pour aller de pair avec la 6eme édition.
Au passage, on notera que la sixième édition ne devrait pas tarder à suivre non plus, probablement au cours de l'été 2012 en deux mois comme à l’accoutumée: un mois avec la (ou plutôt les) boites de départ et un autre avec le livre cartonné que nous aimons tous.

Source: BigRed de Bell of Lost Souls
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Messages : 148
Date d'inscription : 28/04/2011

Chaos is coming... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaos is coming...   Chaos is coming... Icon_minitimeMar 19 Juil 2011 - 19:59

OK et niveau sortie de boites ? on en sais plus ?
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Messages : 727
Date d'inscription : 27/04/2011
Age : 28
Localisation : en ambuscade

Chaos is coming... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaos is coming...   Chaos is coming... Icon_minitimeMar 19 Juil 2011 - 20:00

sa fait beaucoup de chaos cette histoire O_o
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Roi de Bretagne

Messages : 9098
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2009
Age : 31
Localisation : Le Sud...

Chaos is coming... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaos is coming...   Chaos is coming... Icon_minitimeMar 19 Juil 2011 - 20:04

Pas plus que d'imperium...
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Bregan d'Aerthe.

Messages : 9304
Date d'inscription : 25/11/2009
Age : 30

Chaos is coming... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaos is coming...   Chaos is coming... Icon_minitimeMar 19 Juil 2011 - 20:25

Même beaucoup moins.

Les dex Légions sortirait avant la v6 donc ? Ils le penseront dans l'optique de la v6 ou de la v5 selon vous ?
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Roi de Bretagne

Messages : 9098
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2009
Age : 31
Localisation : Le Sud...

Chaos is coming... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaos is coming...   Chaos is coming... Icon_minitimeMar 19 Juil 2011 - 20:28

Optique V6, comme ce fut le cas des démons du chaos.
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Horus Lupercal
Le Maitre de Guerre.
Horus Lupercal

Messages : 5130
Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009
Age : 31
Localisation : Vengeful Spirit

Chaos is coming... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaos is coming...   Chaos is coming... Icon_minitimeMar 19 Juil 2011 - 20:29

Vu que tous les dex sortie depuis le dex tyty sont d'apres la rumeurs pensé dans l'optique de la V6, je te laisse deviner.
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Arax, Inquisiteur
Grand Inquisiteur.
Arax, Inquisiteur

Messages : 9994
Date d'inscription : 29/07/2009
Age : 31
Localisation : En voyage dans les désolation nordiques

Chaos is coming... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaos is coming...   Chaos is coming... Icon_minitimeMar 19 Juil 2011 - 20:32

Le dex Démon du chaos était lui aussi sorti deux trois mois avant la nouvelle version et avait été équilibré et pensé pour avec l'inclusion des nouvelles règles, un coût en point correspondant etc... il devrait en être de même.... normalement.
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Messages : 218
Date d'inscription : 08/05/2010
Age : 30
Localisation : Secteur Dask

Chaos is coming... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaos is coming...   Chaos is coming... Icon_minitimeMer 20 Juil 2011 - 16:52

Rrraaaghhhh, toujours pas de Nécrons. Bah le Chaos c'est toujours intéressant.
Le truc c’est : a-t-on vraiment besoin d’un codex sur les légions ? N’était t’il pas franchement dispensable ?

D’ailleurs je n’arrive toujours pas à savoir : c’est quoi la plus grande menace : le Chaos ? Les Nécrons ? Ou les Tyranides ?
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Seigneur Amiral

Messages : 4585
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2009
Age : 30
Localisation : Stepped on your shoulder, watching your sins

Chaos is coming... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaos is coming...   Chaos is coming... Icon_minitimeMer 20 Juil 2011 - 17:00

La plus grande menace est le Chaos puisqu'il ne peut pas être vaincu.

Concernant le dex legion... Je laiss Arghit te répondre What a Face
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Arax, Inquisiteur
Grand Inquisiteur.
Arax, Inquisiteur

Messages : 9994
Date d'inscription : 29/07/2009
Age : 31
Localisation : En voyage dans les désolation nordiques

Chaos is coming... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaos is coming...   Chaos is coming... Icon_minitimeMer 20 Juil 2011 - 17:06

Kanoka: la news en anglais précise que les nécrons viendront avant, probablement en novembre de cette année.
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Roi de Bretagne

Messages : 9098
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2009
Age : 31
Localisation : Le Sud...

Chaos is coming... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaos is coming...   Chaos is coming... Icon_minitimeMer 20 Juil 2011 - 17:08


Le dex Chaos actuel est tout pourris, tu peux rien faire avec niveau fluff et niveau efficacité il est assez mauvais aussi. Oui y a besoin d'un renouveau à ce niveau la, espérons quand meme que les nécrons ressortent avant mais normalement oui.
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Prêtre des Runes

Messages : 3895
Date d'inscription : 01/07/2009
Age : 31
Localisation : Fenris.

Chaos is coming... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaos is coming...   Chaos is coming... Icon_minitimeMer 20 Juil 2011 - 17:09

Ce serait bien que tous les codex soient v5 avant de sortir la v6...
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Horus Lupercal
Le Maitre de Guerre.
Horus Lupercal

Messages : 5130
Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009
Age : 31
Localisation : Vengeful Spirit

Chaos is coming... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaos is coming...   Chaos is coming... Icon_minitimeMer 20 Juil 2011 - 17:16

Comme je les dis plus haut, il semblerait que GW est fait tous les dex depuis celui des Tyty dans une optique V6. Donc on peut dire que pour GW, la V5 n'est réelement qu'un pont pour la V6.
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Chaos is coming... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaos is coming...   Chaos is coming... Icon_minitimeMer 20 Juil 2011 - 20:11

"Le dex Chaos actuel est tout pourris, tu peux rien faire avec niveau fluff et niveau efficacité il est assez mauvais aussi."

Niveau fluff c'est en effet n'importe quoi.Ils ont enlevés en plus plein d'options et les démons (genial pour les word bearers) et n'ont rajoutés qu'une unité :le vindicator (super chaotique comme choix).
Niveau efficacité ,il est bon si tu fait du gros bill dégueulasse (genre 2 prince de slaanesh avec le fouet , plusieurs escouades d'obliterator et mass marine de la peste).Après si tu veux faire fluff ,tu ne peux effectivement rien faire de vraiment bien vu que les particularités des dieux a été reduites au maximum et que le chaos universel n'existe quasiment plus en temps que tel (c'est devenu un gros melange des 4 dieux au lieu ).Dans l'avant dernier codex soit tu avait une armée entièrement dediée a un dieu avec ses dons, soit tu avait une armée 100% universelle mais avec des soldats vétérans.

Après impatient de voir le contenu,j'aimerais surtout le retour des compétences de vétérans, et l'impossibilité des melanger les cultes n'importe comment .Si en plus on retrouve la possibilité de faire une légion (assez probable vu le nom du dex) et quelques démons (quitte a en créer des nouveau ou pouvoir avoir des alliés du dex démon) se sera parfait.
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Horus Lupercal
Le Maitre de Guerre.
Horus Lupercal

Messages : 5130
Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009
Age : 31
Localisation : Vengeful Spirit

Chaos is coming... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaos is coming...   Chaos is coming... Icon_minitimeDim 23 Oct 2011 - 10:03

Citation du warfo :

Citation :
Un membre de B&C a en faite été trouver les gars du studio present au GD;les types du studio etait JJ et Ward;
Hello all, I just thought I’d share my sort-of discussions regarding a future Chaos Codex with two members of the development team at yesterday’s Games Day ‘event’.

Basically, I spoke to Jervis Johnson (head designer, apparently) and Matt Ward (yeah, I know, I know…). Now, I could have ranted at them with four years of hatred towards our lack-lustre Codex, but I thought it would be more productive (and less antagonistic) if I approached them with a friendly smile (well, what pass as one from me tongue.gif ) and my own personal thoughts/desires on our next Codex.

In a nutshell, more options regarding things like vehicles, specifically variants of Rhinos and Land Raiders – I said that the reasons for restricting the loyalist Marines with what they can do to theirs don’t apply to Chaos (we don’t have angry Tech Priests after us), so if we want to, say, put Assault Ramps on our Rhinos, there’s no one to stop us!

I also tried to get across that Chaos Marine armies (whether you go for Renegades or Legions) can broadly fit in to two approaches which could shape the development of this Codex – firstly the ‘Black Crusade’, which is about throwing the full force of what your army/legion does best till you opponent has nothing standing (I guess this could include your World Eaters Berzerker assault force, or an Iron Warriors siege force, or the relentless march of the Death Guard). The second approach is the Cultist/Ambush/Terror approach – the one where you don’t have the resources for a full scale invasion, but you’ve already sent your agents (be they infiltrating Marines or Cultists) to defeat your enemy before they’ve even realised they’re at war – assassinating commanders, sabotaging and destroying tanks, that sort of thing (obviously, this is your Night Lords, Alpha Legion, perhaps Word Bearers army). Either way, whichever approach should still allow themed, or Legion based lists, if that’s what Chaos players wanted

In my conversations with both Jervis and Matt, I started off saying that I’d like to see Special Characters that add army wide abilities, which got very strong nods of understanding from both of them. The problem I immediately hit was that they both pretty much said that they’re not going to be involved with the development of Chaos Marines; Jervis said that he would pass on my comments thought (whether he does is another thing!).

You may find Matt Ward’s response more interesting: he basically said blatantly that he was not going to be working on Chaos. Yes, that’s right, you can all breathe a sigh of relief! msn-wink.gif biggrin.gif Then, more interestingly, he looked around for the other member of the team at Games Day, who was absent every time I went to the developers’ area, but would have liked to speak to – a certain Mr Phil Kelly. Now, (cue wild speculation) judging by this, I got the strong impression that Phil Kelly is likely to be involved in the development – perhaps even writing it?

That was the only serious nugget that I found of comfort from Jervis or Matt Ward to be honest. They both talked about there being a lot of potential with Chaos Marines that a future codex could build upon. Matt Ward went further, basically saying in so many words that he realised the Chaos codex is disliked and that it didn’t really achieve what the later, more recent Codices have. He also said that the Codices from Space Wolves onwards should give more of the shape of a Chaos Marine Codex, in terms of increased amount of options. Hopefully, like some Codices, that means under-priced/over powered (delete as appropriate msn-wink.gif ) units like these other ones, too biggrin.gif He also said about the current Chaos Codex that it offers a good basis from which to start developing a new one. Not sure I agree with him, but I’m hoping he means that it is something that can be expanded and improved upon, rather than just recycling it…

So, I had gone to Games Day with the intention of getting in to a really intense discussion about giving Chaos a codex of which it is worthy. I think I didn’t really speak to the right people for that (if only I’d have been able to find Phil Kelly!), so I think ultimately I got some insubstantial platitudes. I was heartened that a) Matt Ward won’t be writing the next Chaos Codex, and b ) there was the suggestion that Phil Kelly is at the very least going to be involved in the development of our next codex.

So, that’s all I have to offer I’m afraid, but I hope it provides some fuel for discussion and/or speculation.

Je traduirais plus tard,mais dans les grandes ligne ça dis que;Ward ne touchera plus a un Codex de ça vie(en tous cas pour l'instant),Phill Kelly bosse avec d'autres sur le projet et aussi que ce dex ferra partie des Dex V6(malheureusement je l'attendais plus tôt...).

Ils parlent aussi, qu'ils sont d'accords avec les joueurs, quand ces derniers disent qu'ils on fait une belle boulette avec le dex Chaos V4.

Et d'autres trucs encore,mais je traduirais tous ça dans l'après midi.
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Roi de Bretagne

Messages : 9098
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2009
Age : 31
Localisation : Le Sud...

Chaos is coming... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaos is coming...   Chaos is coming... Icon_minitimeSam 12 Nov 2011 - 12:20

Citation :

-i really really shouldnt but, ive only seen a dreadnaught of the two mentioned (regarding a previous report of new plastic Chaos Dread and Raptors)

-To quickly add. will lesser chaos gods feture. yes n all of the fallen legions will be there

-saw preliminary types for khonate chrono gladiators... and a really bizarre night lord assassin type thing...

-oh im sure if people want a new abaddon.. i saw one but really it isnt much...

-little horus on the other hand... now there's a wow figure

-there was a little heated discussion weather alpha legion should be in this or the traitors dex... there in the legion dex

-the new abaddon as really it just seems bigger n bulkier, like somebody 3d scanned it n made him larger

-the minor chaos gods are already named, its like marks though, no daemons

-i did see a dark mechanicus guy... not sure if he will make it though, a very creepy sculpt based on a john Blanche piece

-this is really something to be taken with a grain of salt there may may be a 30k boxed set at some point, containing one of each of the legions

-oh one last thing its ward
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La chienlit c'est lui!

Messages : 2333
Date d'inscription : 08/12/2010
Localisation : Quelque part, en train de se lamenter que le Fandex Jipang n'a eut aucun succès...

Chaos is coming... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaos is coming...   Chaos is coming... Icon_minitimeSam 12 Nov 2011 - 12:39

Bon et bien voilà, pour na pas citer l'Empereur, Ward va encore laisser sa passion pour les Astartes l'emporter dans son élan créatif.

On parie combien sur le fait que Malal sera (à cause de l'enthousiasme de Ward et de la popularité de ce dieu) ou ne sera pas dans le codex (à cause de procédures légales pourries) ? :cool:
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Arax, Inquisiteur
Grand Inquisiteur.
Arax, Inquisiteur

Messages : 9994
Date d'inscription : 29/07/2009
Age : 31
Localisation : En voyage dans les désolation nordiques

Chaos is coming... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaos is coming...   Chaos is coming... Icon_minitimeSam 12 Nov 2011 - 12:53

Sachant que GW a volontairement tenté de suprimer Malal en le remplaçant par les autres dieux renégats, sa présence semble peu probable... ensuite possible qu'ils mettent Malice.
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La chienlit c'est lui!

Messages : 2333
Date d'inscription : 08/12/2010
Localisation : Quelque part, en train de se lamenter que le Fandex Jipang n'a eut aucun succès...

Chaos is coming... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaos is coming...   Chaos is coming... Icon_minitimeSam 12 Nov 2011 - 13:09

C'est pas faux. Par contre, Malice ne me dis rien. C'est quel genre de dieu ? A mon avis, ils devraient mettre au moins Hashut, le "père des ténèbres", même si c'est dans une version épurée des squats et squats du Chaos. Genre, en faisant un dieu du chaos né, non pas des humains ou des eldars comme les dieux majeurs, mais de la partie sombre de la psychée des Barghesi.
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Arax, Inquisiteur
Grand Inquisiteur.
Arax, Inquisiteur

Messages : 9994
Date d'inscription : 29/07/2009
Age : 31
Localisation : En voyage dans les désolation nordiques

Chaos is coming... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaos is coming...   Chaos is coming... Icon_minitimeSam 12 Nov 2011 - 23:53

GW a supprimé Malal car "c'est pas nous qu'on l'a fait" puis, voyant que le concept de dieu renégat plaisait, a tenté de créer Zuvamachin et Nehotruc, les deux dieux qui ne servent à rien et que de fait les fans ont boudé et GW abandonné par la suite.
Ensuite, ils ont, en V3, réintroduit Malal sous le nom de Malice vénéré par les renégats chaotiques du nom de Sons of Malice. Malice étant une entité chaotique voulant détruire le chaos... quelle originalité n'est ce pas?
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Roi de Bretagne

Messages : 9098
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2009
Age : 31
Localisation : Le Sud...

Chaos is coming... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaos is coming...   Chaos is coming... Icon_minitimeMar 29 Nov 2011 - 16:51

Citation :
Ghost21 tells us the background has been expanded and improved so that Legions and their worship of the Gods is far less one-dimensional.

Each Legion will have something unique to them, but will have unit restrictions to offset their inherent bonuses.

Ghost21 further clarifies by saying World Eaters may be restricted to 1 Havoc squad, but could potentially take more by “trading in” something else.

theDarkGeneral tells us:
it won't change according to your Legion (HQs) as in swapping more Heavies for less Fast, but your access to units in those categories opens up, becomes limited, or closes off accordingly. Easy example I was given, is taking Khorne Daemon Prince means no Scouts...

And goes on to say the following about the different Legions:

*Nightlords: I don't ask much about them, though a lil' i have for my buddy Paul has around 25,000+ points of them...Hit & Run and Stealth for universal special rules, but possible counter attack (for elite unit) as well as jump pack troops.

*Word Bearers: Apparently getting a lil' extra attention, and besides Dark Apostles, new models for "daemonancers", which just might be unit champs/sgt upgrades. I'm not sure. BUT, their summoning of Daemons from the Warp apparently allows re-rolls on the scatter dice, as well as new mishap chart!

*Deathguard: Feel no pain and blight grenades for their Cult Terminators, new nasty flamers upgrades.

*Thousand Sons: AP3 bolters will be MUCH more useful under 6th Edition, and a couple new Psychic abilities, one of which (supposedly) can remove an entire enemy squad from the table on a failed stat test!

*Iron Warriors: Access to Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield termies, thunderfire cannon off-shoot, Havocs w/Tank Hunters and relentless for some squad...

*Emperor's Children: Lash is finally changed to be more in line with Daemon version. More heavy weapons upgrade count for larger units. Better Bikes? Not sure what that means...

*Alpha Legion: Lots of infiltrating abilities, outflanking, and even temporary control of enemy squads/vehicles...basically sneaky *******s!

*Black Legion: HQs allow broader access to all unit types, but lack of better universal special rules.
Ghost21 tells us Chaos units have built in negatives depending on the God. It is unclear if these are just Cult Troops, or all Marked units

Nurgle units can’t perform Sweeping Advances and are what he refers to as “stoic” (possibly meaning slow and purposeful, possibly just the name of this group of rules)

Khorne has to “engage in some kind of combat every turn” (not sure what this means ie does shooting count?) or roll on a D6 table and suffer some random penalty

Tzeentch require a “command figure” (likely Sorcerer) or will act based on a random D6 roll

Slaanesh are described only as having “very harsh results”

theDarkGeneral says Nurgle Flamers can be made poisoned 3+ or even 2+ (possibly through a special character).


Special Characters:
ghost21 tells us characters will supposedly be very powerful, including the “Red Angel” from this artwork

Although ghost21 goes on to say he hasn’t seen a named Warsmith character, only a Dark Mechanicus one.

theDarkGeneral claims we will see the return of Droomrider, Doombreed, and Cypher as well as another 5 new characters. This does not preclude any or all existing special characters being included.

theDarkGeneral also tells us there will be a Slaaneshi Dreadnaught special character.

theDarkGeneral reports that Ahriman will be better due to new Chaos Psychic powers as well as "some kind of guaranteed psychic ability that can't be stopped via Psychic Hoods, etc"


theDarkGeneral tells us Chaos Dreadnaughts will no longer act randomly, and are able to take marks, but will not be able to be Venerable.

theDarkGeneral claims Possessed will be improved and supposedly have upgrades either already included or that you can pay for.

ghost21 tells us there will be a "gladiator themed" World Eater unit

ghost21 also says Emperor's Children will have access to a unit described as "soul shieldsman" which is possibly an upgrade for Veterans.


theDarkGeneral implies there will be some kind of “Scout unit” which will not be available to World Eaters.

God-specific Daemons will likely be included, but ghost21 is only sure of the lesser varieties (Plaguebearers, Bloodletters, Daemonettes & Horrors) and not the greater ones
theDarkGeneral claims Daemons will remain as they are in the Daemons Codex, but with slight points adjustments to reflect the ability to summon them and certain 6th edition changes.

Fast Attack

theDarkGeneral claims “Assault Berzerkers” with jump packs will be available as Fast Attack choices.

ghost21 tells us Doomrider will be a unit upgrade (presumably for Bike squads)

ghost21 also adds that Nurgle Bikes are in, but their "Stoic" rule may make them less effective in his opinion.

theDarkGeneral mentions a new unit called Brazen Knights consiting of "Skull Champions" (possibly super Khornate CSM Champions) riding Juggernauts

Heavy Support

theDarkGeneral tells us Slaughterfiends from Apoc will be available, as well as versions for other Legions and Marks.

theDarkGeneral reports Obliterators maximum unit size is increased to 4

theDarkGeneral says most types of Daemon Engines can be taken as 3 per FOC slot

theDarkGeneral claims Legions will get a new Landraider pattern with a higher transport capacity (possibly 15) and is described as a "warped version of one of the Imperial versions”

Marked Legions are rumoured to get Havocs

theDarkGeneral has also hinted at the possibility of a new Monstrous Creature that is not a Greater Daemon. No further info is available as yet.


Plastic Dreadnaught rumoured by both ghost21 and theDarkGeneral. TheDarkGeneral claims it will include multiple Dreadnought close combat weapons types, such as the Chainfist, Thunder Hammer, Power Scourge, etc.

Plastic Plague Bearers rumoured to appear in the 6th edition started

Plastic Raptors have been confirmed by the ever-reliable 75hastings69 who said:
I can add to this that the new plastic Raptors are very nice

Abaddon – ghost21 claims this miniature is almost identical to the existing one, but “bulkier and taller”

Little Horus - ghost21 reports seeing a miniature for this guy, and implies it is very good

ghost21 also claims to have spotted a miniature for a Dark Mechanicus character, but is unsure if he will make it to release. He described it as:
a very creepy sculpt based on a john Blanche piece
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MessageSujet: Re: Chaos is coming...   Chaos is coming... Icon_minitime

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